Data Monolithics – GIS Data and Liminal Landscapes


Old Dimensions


Data Monolithics – Peruvian Landscapes – Augmented Data Sculpture Experiments –

Retouch 03

Retouch 04

Retouch 02

Retouch 01

Studio Day

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Gehry’s EMP Museum


NGC – 660

This new Hubble image shows a peculiar galaxy known as NGC 660, located around 45 million light-years away from us.

NGC 660 is classified as a “polar ring galaxy”, meaning that it has a belt of gas and stars around its centre that it ripped from a near neighbour during a clash about one billion years ago. The first polar ring galaxy was observed in 1978 and only around a dozen more have been discovered since then, making them something of a cosmic rarity.


Secular Escape – Daydream

David Bermant Foundation


Calabi-Yau / Liminal Space Experiments


In tour with Mum
