Archive Dreaming
SALT Galata, Istanbul,
May, 2017
Wind of Boston : Data Paintings
100 Northern Ave. Boston, Massachusetts
January, 2017
Liminal Room
Zorlu Performing Center, Istanbul, Turkey
November, 2015
‘The question what is life, says Norman O. Brown, turns out to be the question what is sleep.’
Temporary Audio/Visual Installation created for a solo exhibition ‘Sceptical Interventions’
28.06.2012 – 14.07.2012
‘Seemingly switching our subject, but only for a moment, we note that for the last two decades scientists probing with electrodes have learned a great deal about the human brain. The brain gives off measurable energy and discrete wave patterns disclosed by the oscillograph. Specific, repetitive dreams have been identified by these wave patterns. The neurological and physiological explorers do not find it extravagant to speculate that we may learn that what humanity has thus far spoken of mystifiedly as telepathy, science will have discovered, within decades, to be ultra-ultra high-frequency electro-magnetic wave propagations.’
‘We know that the human has never seen outside himself. Electro- magnetic waves of light bounce off objects outside him and frequencies are picked up by the human eyes and scanningly relayed back into the brain. Because the light is so much faster than touch, smell, and hearing, men have tended to discount the billionth of a second it takes light to bounce off one’s hand and to get the information back into one’s brain. All sensing is done by humans entirely inside the brain, with information nerve-relayed from the external contact receivers. The human brain is like a major television studio-station. Not only does the brain monitor all the incoming, live, visible, audible, smellable, and touchable 3D shows, it also makes videotapes of the incoming news, continually recalls yesterday’s relevant documentaries and compares them with incoming news to differentiate out the discovered new and unexpected events from the long-familiar types, and to discover the implications of the news from those previously-experienced similar events, in order swiftly to design new scenarios of further actions logically to be taken in respect to the newly-evolved challenges.’
Buckminster Fuller’s introduction to Gene Youngblood’s Expanded Cinema (1970)
SALT Galata, Istanbul,
May, 2017
100 Northern Ave. Boston, Massachusetts
January, 2017
Zorlu Performing Center, Istanbul, Turkey
November, 2015