Archive Dreaming
SALT Galata, Istanbul,
May, 2017
Wind of Boston : Data Paintings
100 Northern Ave. Boston, Massachusetts
January, 2017
Liminal Room
Zorlu Performing Center, Istanbul, Turkey
November, 2015
‘Temporary Immersive Environment Experiments’ is a research on audio/visual installations by using the state called immersion which is the state of consciousness where an immersant’s awareness of physical self is transformed by being surrounded in an engrossing environment; often artificial, creating a perception of presence in a non-physical world.
In this first experiment peripheral vision that produced by stimuli falling on areas of the retina distant from the macula will be used as a concept. Light is the major element in the experiment, used to blur and interconnect the boundaries between the two realms actual/fictional and physical/virtual. It signifies the threshold between the simulacrum space created by the projection technology, and the physical space where the viewer stands. Through the presented framework, the experiments intends to question the relativity of perception and how it informs the apprehension of our surroundings. Rather than approaching the medium as a means of escape into some disembodied techno-utopian fantasy, projects sees itself as a means of return, i.e. facilitating a temporary release from our habitual perceptions and culturally biased assumptions about being in the world, to enable us, however momentarily, to perceive ourselves and the world around us freshly.
Collaboration with visual artist Can Büyükberber and sound designer Kerim Karaoglu.
Faculty Advisors: Peter Lunenfeld, Rebecca Mendez and Christian Moeller.
SALT Galata, Istanbul,
May, 2017
100 Northern Ave. Boston, Massachusetts
January, 2017
Zorlu Performing Center, Istanbul, Turkey
November, 2015